Whenever charged with having committed a crime, there is a very good possibility you will need the help of an attorney. The person that you hire will have a huge impact on your case. It is really important to hire someone that has qualities like the ones presented below. If you need help really fast, get in touch with the experienced criminal defense attorneys at (702) – 333-3334. When this is not possible, look for the following.


When you are faced with a really serious crime, you need to be very careful. As an example, when your charge is felony murder, the attorney you hire should have an experience of at least 15 years. In such a serious case, you do not want the attorney who only litigated a few cases like yours in the past. You want the lawyer who just practiced criminal law and did it for as long as possible in the past. Generalists might be fine only when dealing with a first DUI charge or something equally minor.


Since we are talking about criminal offenses, we have to highlight that this is something really serious. All case details need to be kept private at all times. Never talk case details with friends or family members. And your attorney needs to have a spotless track record of having preserved the confidentiality of their clients.

Keep in mind that when the attorney says that you should not say something, it is advice you have to follow. The lawyer will not be allowed to disclose information but they can also not allow you to testify falsely while under oath.

Negotiation Skills

Never hire a criminal defense attorney when they do not have really strong negotiation skills. These skills can be easily judged when you are very attentive to how the attorney listens to what you say as a discussion happens. If the lawyer does not listen to you, there is a very good possibility they lack negotiation skills.


In order for the attorney to resolve the criminal matter you are faced with, a strong command of the law and of facts are needed. This practically means every single possible aspect of the case needs to be taken into account. For instance, when there are 20 possible witnesses to the alleged crime, the lawyer needs to talk to all of them. This is only possible when you hire a lawyer that will persevere and will leave no stone unturned to help you.


If the criminal defense lawyer is not aggressive, you should not hire them. This does not actually mean that they need to be pushy and loud. It means that there should be no fear to fight and when it is necessary, the attorney needs to stand up to the other parties involved in the case.

Remember that all prosecutors will be aggressive. This is because they know who the judge is and they are powered by the State. The criminal attorney you hire should be able to stand up to the prosecutor. A failure to do this can only lead to bad results.


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