Anyone with child custody issues should never tackle these legal proceedings alone. Hiring a reputable Gaithersburg child support attorney is always the best decision one can make for themselves and their children. With a lawyer by one’s side, the settlement of one’s case can lead to a much better outcome. Parents on the fence about hiring a lawyer to represent them in a custody or support case should consider the following reasons for retaining legal counsel.

Lawyers Protect Their Clients’ Rights

Any time one is going through legal proceedings, one must know their rights. Child support and child custody cases are complex and many issues come into play that many people don’t fully understand. During family court proceedings, there are numerous questions asked that often stump parents and the wrong answer can significantly alter the results of the court’s findings. Lawyers know how to answer the questions and protect their clients’ rights in the process.

Ensures Children Are Protected

All child support cases are unique, but one thing is the same. The children should always remain the top priority and their well-being protected. Parents want to make sure their children’s financial needs are met and that the divorce doesn’t leave them with financial resources. Child support lawyers work on behalf of their clients to protect children’s physical and emotional needs through appropriate visitation and custody schedules.

Fair Financial Support

Each parent has different financial resources. Hiring an attorney makes sure that parents are treated fairly when child support is determined. Most parents want to support their children and provide for them financially, but some child support decisions are biased and don’t take into account the parent’s current financial state. An attorney makes sure that fair financial support is considered for all involved.

Trial Assistance

Not every child support and custody case goes to trial, but those that do can become quite overwhelming. Parents trying to navigate a trial themselves without legal representation might find that they make poor decisions because they lacked legal knowledge or they let their emotions get in the way of their better judgment. Lawyer representation keeps everyone focused on the issues and the children.

Confirms Agreements Are Legal

Some divorcing couples agree on support and custody terms for their children. While these agreements might be amicable, it’s important to make sure they’re legal. If there’s ever a disagreement in the future, the terms could be in jeopardy. Even if parents come to a mutual agreement, it’s important to have a lawyer look over the paperwork to make sure everything has been handled according to the law.

Contact a Child Support Attorney Today

Having an experienced attorney representing one’s case is invaluable. It’s an important part of making sure the children’s interests are represented as well as the client’s. Parents who need a Gaithersburg child support attorney will find the representation and experience they need by contacting The Law Offices of Sandra Guzman-Salvado Office.