If you’re in the middle of a divorce and fighting for custody of your child, you’ve most certainly got your work cut out for you. While a legal professional can most help you achieve victory, there are plenty of things you can do on your own to provide the best outcome for your child. Be sure to keep the following tips in mind as you build your case.

Be Willing To Work With Your Ex

Depending on your circumstances and how well you get along with your ex, the two of you may be willing and able to work together to create a fair custody agreement. In any case, it works in your favor to at least try to work with your ex, as a judge will view this favorably. No matter what, you have to remember you’re doing this for your child, and the other parent will always be part of your son or daughter’s life. Leave your feelings out of the equation as much as possible.

Stay on Your Best Behavior

Diving a bit more into doing what’s best for your child, you’ve got to be on your best behavior during a child custody case. If your ex-spouse is aggravating you, or if you’re growing frustrated by the entire situation, you can’t unleash online, through text messages, or in emails. Any visible outbursts are sure to work against you should the court get ahold of such evidence, as legal professionals like those at Cordell and Cordell can attest. You also need to watch what you say and how you act around your son or daughter, especially if she or he is particularly young. This is because young kids have a tendency to mimic behavior and repeat what they hear, which could work against you.

Take Advantage of Your Parental Rights

During the child custody case, you likely have some parental rights, such as visitations. If so, take full advantage of those rights and spend as much time with your child as you can. Work with your legal team to know the full scope of your rights as a parent during the legal proceedings. You can’t very well expect to receive any type of custody if you don’t seem willing to spend time with your child while the custody case is going on, can you?

Try Your Best To Settle Out of Court

Maybe your custody case has yet to go to court. If so, do your best to keep it that way. Lawyers at Cordell & Cordell law offices can tell you that going to court can become rather expensive and time-consuming. You already know how expensive it can be to raise a child. By going to court, you’re spending money that can go toward your son or daughter or improving yourself so you can be the best parent for your child.

Ask for an In-Home Custody Evaluation

You’ll need to prove your home is set up in a way to properly take care of your child. If you’ve got this covered from every angle, be sure you ask for an in-home custody evaluation. This is an especially good idea if you feel your ex may use your home life against you. Prepare your home much in the same way you would if you were putting your home on the market. You want to set the right impression, but you also want to come across as genuine.

Get All Necessary Documentation Necessary

Maybe you feel your child would not be safe in the other parent’s custody. Perhaps there’s a history of untreated mental illness, substance abuse, or physical abuse. In any case, you’ll need to properly document your observations and reasons for feeling this way. Bear in mind, though, your ex may be doing the same against you.

No one can make any guarantees when it comes to child custody cases. Put the above suggestions to good use, and work closely with your legal professional to better guarantee a positive outcome.


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