Law enforcement provides a variety of avenues for people to take so that they can make a living creating safer neighborhoods and help guide people onto a better path in life. Some options require you being on the scene and ensuring people’s safety, while others revolve around work in the office, and then some require a little of both.

Professions in this field require particular degrees to obtain, as they are designed to build knowledge in how laws work on different levels so that you are able to serve justice. This guide aims to show you the best degrees to pursue for degrees in law enforcement.

Criminal Justice

For those who aspire to become a police officer or lawyer once they leave school, the best option for a degree is to pursue criminal justice. This degree is available to people who plan to enter the police force, as well as those who have been in the force for years and want to improve on their educational background to obtain a higher position in the field.

If you’re still in high school, then we recommend applying to colleges with accredited online and continuing education degree programs that include criminal justice. If you’re just entering the force, then you will be able to learn about this field through the police academy, which can help you save time and money on your education by using credits to complete the degree.

Social Sciences

An important part of being a police officer or lawyer is being able to understand both sides of an issue in order to figure out the best answer. That’s where a degree in social sciences come in handy, as this one teaches you how to communicate with people in a way that allows them to avoid complications in the future.

This option also gives you the ability to create better relationships with people in the community, as well as between different parties who were previously having issues. You will also be able to develop your writing skills, which come in handy for writing grants and preparing public speeches in front of small and large crowds. This is also an opportunity for you to develop public speaking skills.


It’s important to be able to understand how criminals operate and what leads them to commit the acts that they do, whether it’s robbery and murder. One way you can obtain this understanding is by studying criminology, which is among the degrees on this list that requires more research than physical work. This degree combines work in social sciences and psychology to discover the thought process behind criminals ranging from in levels of violence.

Studying criminology will prepare you for having to decide how to handle criminals based on their actions, and this will require working with professionals from different ends of law enforcement. You might be able to help rehabilitate some convicts, but others may require heavier prison sentences in order to preserve the safety of the public.

Computer Science

The advancements that we’ve achieved in technology over the years have made a variety of tasks easier. This includes law enforcement, which requires using certain technology to handle a variety of cases. If you’re more interested in the technical aspect of this field, then you’re best off obtaining a degree in computer science. This is an opportunity for you to learn how the computer systems that police officers rely on operate.

The technology you use will help you deal with crimes by comparing evidence and reports to ensure you produce the best results. This option also involves a great deal of communication with other cops and members of law enforcement, which depends on the scope of the crimes you’re investigating.

Forensic Science

Some jobs in law enforcement involve working in a laboratory in order to find evidence of the culprit and actions taken during different crimes. If you’re a big fan of “CSI” and “NCIS,” then we recommend getting a degree in forensic science. This area combines science with detective work to make sure crimes are solved as soon as possible before similar ones can be committed.

This option gives you the opportunity to work for a variety of organizations in law enforcement, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the Central Intelligence Agency. You’ll also need to learn how the law operations in your jurisdiction in order to find the best scientific ways to solving crimes. You’ll be able to work with different law enforcement professionals, as well.

Consider these career paths so that you can make good money creating a safer world.

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