There will be times in your life when you need the help of a solicitor. They tend to be key milestones, and by their nature, they are stressful. It follows then that you will want to choose a solicitor with an easy manner who understands the pressure his or her clients are under, and is able to offer straight-talking, sensible advice.

Choose a specialist

Buying a house is one of those situations, though solicitors might specialise in family law, criminal law, or many other aspects of the law. Check that the firm is legitimate and registered because that means they are regulated and you will receive up to date advice. Don’t be shy – you are perfectly within your rights to ask about their previous record and whether legal action has been taken against the firm or its team, and of course, it is worth asking around locally for anecdotal feedback and recommendations.


There is no quick answer to the question of “how much will my solicitor cost?” It depends on so many factors, not least how complicated your case is. You can expect to have an indication upfront following your initial (often free of charge) consultation that should outline how long the process is likely to take and how much it will cost. Look out for a breakdown of this, whether an hourly rate or based on the nature of your project. As you might expect, the more complex the project, the higher the cost, though if your solicitor is not willing to talk about fees upfront, beware – ask yourself what they have to hide. In general, you should be looking in the region of £800-£1,500 (excluding disbursements) for a straightforward case.

Shop around

For more advice on choosing the right conveyancing solicitor, see the guidance from Money Advice Service. Don’t be afraid to ask questions of your shortlisted conveyancers; the right firm won’t mind at all. For professional conveyancing solicitors London offers a range like Sam Conveyancing

Estate agents and mortgage advisers might recommend a conveyancer but it is worth doing independent research.

When you come to hiring a solicitor, you should be clear about how you like to communicate; if you prefer email, say so, and likewise, if you want to do business on the phone, you’re the client, be clear what works for you.

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