Much of what is required as you prepare for your interview is due to occur long before the actual interview session starts. This guide will help you secure your dream job by offering professional tips for your interview. So, let’s get right into it.

First, check all of your social media accounts and either delete them for a restart or clean them up going back 3-5 years, or more, as needed. Keep in mind that you will represent the firm you join and, consequently, all of the clients they decide to serve. Therefore, you do not want to be associated with offensive material. Now, we’re not talking long-stretch ideas of offensive interaction but rather truly obnoxious or cheeky communication online. A great recruitment agency, like The Heller Group based here in Toronto, will be able to advise on the particulars of social media presence if you remain curious.

Second, be sure to spend time participating in the activities you normally love to do, and continue to live a full life whether you are actively seeking re-employment or not. Always maintain a proper work-life balance. While you may need to limit or tailor your activities toward minimal impact on your pocket, still participate.


You really never know when you might encounter a headhunter in Toronto, so stay visible about town. Entertain friends. Have BBQs. Volunteer for causes dear to your heart. Serve an elderly neighbour. Check on your parents and make sure all of their concerns and technological needs are brought up to date. This is not to suggest avoiding your employment matters, but you represent more than your role at your workplace and no employer wants to feel as though your whole world would completely fall apart without them. On the contrary, as any headhunter in Toronto would likely direct, firms desire to bring aboard partners who are self-sufficient and resourceful. Prepare yourself to not only fulfill your legal tasks but also the firm’s community involvement goals. Likewise, being able to share life enhancement moments with colleagues strengthens the team.

Third, keep a list of your career achievements, and make sure the record you keep includes numerical or statistical specifics. You want to remain cognizant of your contributions so that they are fresh in your mind when responding to your interviewer. Enhance your achievements by significantly impacting local community organizations.

Fourth, you can maximize your networking by uniting the tips on your interview mentioned in the second suggestion above with some information you gather regarding potential firms of your interest. This is not stalking. Simply intentionally seek out and maintain information pertinent to those firms or recruitment offices of interest, then make the connection. For instance, if you notice that certain recruiters unwind at a particular restaurant or cafe, book a table yourself – you may even strike up a conversation if the opportunity presents.

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