If you ride a motorcycle, your safety is crucial. After years of improvement, motorcycle injuries and deaths in the US have begun to rise in recent years, owing to a number of factors. What’s more, a majority of all motorcycle accident incidents involve another vehicle, with only 3% of accidents being the result of motorcycle failure.

If you are in a motorcycle accident, it is imperative that you call a motorbike accident attorney as soon as you are able. A skilled accident attorney will be able to prove that you are not at fault and ensure that you get any compensation and damages that you may deserve. If you are looking for a motorcycle accident attorney, here are the essential questions that you need to ask.

  1. Have You Ever Ridden a Motorcycle?

This might seem like a strange question to ask a motorcycle accident attorney, but it is an important one. An attorney that has actually ridden a motorcycle will understand the factors that cause an accident, such as grip, weather conditions, and traffic laws. This can help you build a stronger case.

  1. Would You Call Yourself a Motorbike Accident Attorney?

Many law firms will happily take on a motorcycle accident case but may have no specialization in this field whatsoever. That is why you should always choose a firm with specific experience in motorcycle accidents. For example, you can visit this page to learn more about what an experienced motorcycle accident attorney actually looks like.

  1. Do You Have Trial Experience?

Most of the time, a motorcycle accident case will not go to trial. However, when it does you will want a lawyer with a strong record for going to trial and winning. Always make sure your motorcycle attorney is prepared to go to trial if it comes down to it.

  1. Will You Be Handling My Case Personally?

Some law firms will market themselves as assigning their best lawyers to your case, before simply deferring your case to a legal assistant. When speaking with a potential lawyer, seek confirmation that they will personally be committed to winning your case for you.

  1. How Much Will This Cost Me?

With any legal case, never be too shy to ask about money. Some lawyers will charge an upfront fee for their services. However, there are many bike accident lawyers that will not charge a penny and will only take a cut of any compensation you are awarded. This might be the best option if money is tight.

  1. What is Your Success Ratio?

Any competent lawyer should not shy away from discussing their case history. If you do not ask, you could end up with a lawyer that has never won a motorcycle accident case. Get specific numbers on how often they have won cases like yours.

  1. How Long Will The Case Take?

Many accident lawsuits can be resolved relatively quickly. However, depending on the circumstances surrounding the case, it could drag on for many months. Try and get an estimate from your lawyer of how long they think the case will take to become resolved.

Expert, Free Legal Advice for You

Before you seek a motorbike accident attorney, it is important that you have a strong understanding of the legal landscape you are about to enter. For this, we have got you covered. Make sure to consult our extensive Legal Advice section for all of the latest expert guidance on the laws that matter to you.

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