At times, getting compensation can be a real hassle, especially if your claim has no substantial legal framework to work around. Among the things that you can do to secure the compensation, in the long run, is getting a Spokane personal injury lawyer to represent your claim. So, you’ve just selected a perfect attorney for the job, and your appointment is approved to have a little chat about your claim. What are the right questions to ask the legal representative?

For it to look like a no waste of time gimmick, and to ensure a fruitful meeting, here are must ask questions for your lawyer before he gets the job:

  • What is the legal fee?

What kind of fees does your lawyer need? Well, if he is working on a contingency basis, what percentage of damage money is he likely to retain? It would be best if you asked about such questions so that you avoid a dispute in the future when the claim is awarded.

  • What are the personal injury cases he has handled before?

You can request a catalog of personal injury cases that the lawyer has worked on before the meeting. You’ll probably need to know if he can manage a case that has almost similar facts and issues as yours. An assumption may cost you dearly in the long run.

  • How long will the case take?

It would help if you had an estimate of how long your case will take so that you prepare the necessary resources. A competent personal injury attorney should be in a position to weigh out the factors present and give a rough estimate that is not far from real-time.

  • Is he ready for a court trial?

Many law firms do not prefer handling cases that will likely take ages to be resolved. Consequently, you’ll need to find out if a personal injury lawyer is ready to take the mantle if your claim calls for a court hearing. If so, then he should prepare you for any additional costs in advance and also inform you of any new role in the suit. The attorney should also be clear if he’ll need to bring an extra battery of lawyers at the court level.

  • Can he define your responsibility in the suit?

Now, this question should be able to gauge your attorney’s responsiveness and ability to respond to issues as they are. Well, if he cannot define your position in the suit well, in front of you, then you are not guaranteed that he can differentiate facts and issues. At that point, you can decide to move onto the next interview.

  • Who will handle the case?

If you are dealing with a big law firm, there is a high possibility that your case will be delegated to a budding attorney in the profession, depending on its weight. You should find out about this and request to have a one-on-one conversation with the new counsel before the actual litigation begins.

  • What is the success rate?

Finally, you also need to know the success rate of the lawyer or the law firm in general. For instance, when he mentions any personal injury case that he has handled before, you should establish whether he won or not. You can also ask politely to speak to a previous client for first-hand affirmation.

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