Disaster strikes when you least expect it. If it catches you off guard, it is very likely to offset your life for some time. That is why you need to be prepared. Getting car insurance is essential for every vehicle owner. In case of an accident, a good insurance company will help you cater to the resulting expenses.

To get the most out of the settlement claims, you should be conversant with the law, and also make a point of partnering with a car accident attorney. A Richmond motorcycle accident lawyer will help you avoid the following mistakes, which can also lower the value of your claim.

  1. Giving recorded statements

You have heard of cases whereby insurance companies take advantage of injured drivers by extracting recorded statements from them. It is important to note that these are usually traps, and you do not want to be a victim. According to the law, you do not have to give a recorded statement. If the insurer of the other driver involved in the accident insists, you can tell them to contact your lawyer.

You are likely to say something in these statements that could lower the value of your claim, or even lead to the rejection of your claim.

  1. Not calling the authorities

The primary reason why you should call the police if you get involved in an accident is that their report is required during the settlement. The report usually includes the details of drivers involved, the witnesses, types of vehicles involved, among other information on the accident. Also, calling a motorcycle accident lawyer is advisable, as he or she will advise on the next steps to take, depending on the circumstances of the accident.

  1. Delaying medical assistance

Once you have called the police and the report has been prepared, you should seek medical assistance immediately. For one, because you need to ensure that you are in good shape and prevent injuries from escalating to a life-threatening medical condition. Besides that, delays could lower the value of your claim. Insurers could use it against you by claiming that the injuries may have happened either before or after the accident. Also, note that most insurance policies have personal injury benefits that only allow to cover persons who have received medical care within 14 days of the injury.

  1. Not partnering with a car accident attorney

Working with a professional with vast experience in car accident settlement claims is advantageous. If you are working alone, the chance is high that you might not get a fair settlement. Shop around for a good attorney and let him guide you through the claim process. They understand the law and your rights better: this makes them the best people to negotiate your settlement with your insurance company.

To avoid problems and being taken advantage of, it is best not to communicate or transact with the other driver or his insurance company before talking to your lawyer. Avoiding the mistakes above will increase the likelihood of getting a fair settlement.

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